Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Our Marine

As you all know, Ben has reenlisted in the USMc for another 4 years. Many of you probably think he's insane, as I did, but you will be glad to know, that after pondering, praying, fasting, and a blessing from my dad, We decided it was the right choice for our little family. We are able to get an amazing bonus that will help us pay debts, and save for a home. It also guarantees medical insurance for 4 years, which means this baby and all to follow in the next 4 years are free!! (well at least the hospital/doctor part.) Ben will be a Sergeant in January which is a large pay raise, and when he goes to mcrd in May our housing allowance increases by 200 a month. Ben will also have time to go to school while working at mcrd, and the Marine corps will pay for him to go w/o taking it from his GI Bill.
So, it seems, reenlisting is and will continue to be a good idea.


mindyluwho said...

Personally I think reenlisting is a marvelous idea as it keeps you in this part of the country for just that much longer!

Jenny said...

Mindy's just a little bit selfish...but I am glad you were prayerful about it, as much as I wanted you two down here and now i won't get to watch your tummy grow! But it sound like it is best for your family and for that, Mindy - hem-hem - I am glad!

Big Mac said...

Hey it's good for me to cuz I get to see you guys just as much as I have in the last 4 years. which isn't that dang much. so maybe it isn't that good for me. i'm still excited.

Elizabeth said...

I think it is a great decision.